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Harmful Games

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Harmful Games Empty Harmful Games

Post  Nathan Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:43 am

What games have a negative affect on gamers and society in general? Are these games popular and addictive? What can we do about this? Should we be worried?


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Harmful Games Empty Re: Harmful Games

Post  Dylan Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:08 am

Nathan wrote:
What games have a negative affect on gamers and society in general?
Some game franchises such as Grand Theft Auto supposedly promote violence. Other games such as World of Warcraft are very addictive and some people get so addicted that they spend all their free time on it and end up quitting jobs, school and etc to play it. This can lead to people not only looking after themselves but also ignoring their families and the outside world.

Nathan wrote:
Are these games popular and addictive?

World of Warcraft is extremely popular with well over 13 million accounts. What makes this game addictive to people is that it's an escape from real life and everybody is equal in it, you choose your own path.

Wikipedia states that in total the sales of all the games in the Grand Theft Auto franchise amount to "120 million+" (This only includes people who buy the game, many download it or play it at their friends house). Out of 120 million+ players there is sure to be an idiot who will take it too far and act out the game in real life.

Nathan wrote:What can we do about this?
I think it's up to the parent to control their child's access to the video game and I think these age based laws regarding games should be enforced. As well as this, a majority of the supposedly Grand Theft Auto inspired crimes are happening in America. I think that says a lot about their gun laws.

Nathan wrote:Should we be worried?

Yes, we should. Games are becoming more readily available to a wider audience which will only increase the range of influence the games have.

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Harmful Games Empty Re: Harmful Games

Post  Guest Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:37 am

Nathan wrote:What games have a negative affect on gamers and society in general?

None, if people are educated properly.

If parents (and to a lesser extent, schools) taught children the differences between right and wrong at an early age, taught them what happens in a video game (or a movie) is bad and (usually) a large exaggeration of what goes on in real life, we would have less trouble.

There is absolutely no links between video games and violence, those "scientific studies" you see done are nothing more than a bunch of psychologists thinking there is a giant problem but not doing any proper research. A study on 5 kids isn't a study, it's watching 5 kids play a video game. Those books you see putting violent video games in a bad light, they're a bunch of bull too. The developer's are not the "bad guys", the gamers are not the "bad guys", the people who make shoddy "research" claims and don't even look at the ESRB rating, they're the "bad guys", if you want to use such a term.

To give an example of a recent "study" done, follow this link to a GamePolitics article (it's a trusted website, don't worry).

Study: Playing Violent Games Impacts Attitude towards Crime @ wrote:52 undergrads were involved in the study—who had never played the game used in the experiment (True Crime)—and were randomly assigned to either a game-playing group or a control group. The game-playing group was tasked with playing True Crime for 2 hours.

Both groups were then asked to read “two real-life crime cases committed by police officers and two by generic criminals,” and then to answer a series of questions in which they judged the crime and the criminal. It was reported that, “people who played the violent game had more favorable judgment of the crimes and perpetrators than people who did not play the violent game in terms of their negative judgment of the perpetrators.”

This isn't a research. First of all, there aren't 52 gamers worldwide. There are millions. Secondly, two hours is an absolute pittance of a time. 52 gamers, 2 hours? And THIS is a research? Nuh-uh, I don't think so. Take several HUNDRED gamers, and then test them for 3 hours a day, for a few months. Then maybe I'll be more open to your "study". Until then, I don't think so. Perhaps I'm biased though, being a gamer and all.

Games like Grand Theft Auto are extremely violent, yes. But the package clearly states the game is aimed at an audience of 18 years and older. Just like movies, video games have a classifications rating, they go through the same classifications board as movies do. If a movie is R18, you shouldn't be letting your 12 year old son or daughter watch it. Similarly, if a video game has an R18 sticker stamped onto it, then your 12 year son or daughter shouldn't be playing.

Nathan wrote:Are these games popular and addictive?

Anything can be addictive. Depending on your own personal lifestyle, then yes, games can be addicting. Parents should note this behaviour in their children though. If their children are acting aggressive or look as though they are spending too much time on a computer then they should slowly ween them off. Yes, slowly. Don't just take the keyboard and smash it against the wall thinking that'll do anything. It won't. In fact, it's the main reason people get upset and start becoming violent. How would you like it if you had a sandwich, and some guy just come up and stole it, then began eating it in front of you? You'd be annoyed at him, wouldn't you? That's exactly how many gamers feel when you remove their source of entertainment. I speak from personal experience.

If you do not want your children getting addicted to games, then start the process early, don't wait until they ARE addicted, that's just stupid. Try and get them into other areas for enjoyment, see what other hobbies they have and if they'll do them more. Gaming isn't bad, it's a good pasttime, but just look junk food, it must be taken in moderation. Encourage them to do other activities, rather than waiting to see if they'll so themselves. As for a violent attitude? Frustration is the nature of video games, it's generally temporary and taking a break every once in a while will calm your nerves down. For children, you need to teach them to do this yourself, and teach them what is real and not real (which seems to be a problem for many young gamers).

Nathan wrote:What can we do about this? Should we be worried?

Yes and no.

Parents should be cautious, but not paranoid, and if something bad happens they shouldn't immediately blame the video game or it's developers. Look up Jack Thompson, he done that, sued many developers too, he lost every single case he made with Rockstar Games, might I add. Why? Because he can't prove that violent video games make people violent, and neither can you or any parent out there.

I wouldn't let my under-18 kids play GTA, simple as that. I would teach them that what happens in a video game is NOT REAL and that doing so in real life is WRONG. More parents should do this, and take heed of ESRB ratings, then there would be very little to worry about.

To conclude in simple terms: The problem isn't the video games. The problem is the lack of education given to those who play them. Teach people what is real and fake, teach people what is right and wrong, give people more options other than "watching TV" or "playing video games" as a hobby. Don't expect them to just learn these things. They won't.


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Harmful Games Empty Re: Harmful Games

Post  Dylan Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:39 am

Sykotik wrote:
To conclude in simple terms: The problem isn't the video games. The problem is the lack of education given to those who play them. Teach people what is real and fake, teach people what is right and wrong, give people more options other than "watching TV" or "playing video games" as a hobby. Don't expect them to just learn these things. They won't.

But what about children who play these games without their parents knowing, at someone elses house for example. Education will help a majority of the parents of children that play these games but I personally think a lot of the younger children playing games like grand theft auto have parents that simply don't care so why would they seek out education?

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Harmful Games Empty Re: Harmful Games

Post  Guest Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:50 am

Dylan wrote:
Sykotik wrote:
To conclude in simple terms: The problem isn't the video games. The problem is the lack of education given to those who play them. Teach people what is real and fake, teach people what is right and wrong, give people more options other than "watching TV" or "playing video games" as a hobby. Don't expect them to just learn these things. They won't.

But what about children who play these games without their parents knowing, at someone elses house for example. Education will help a majority of the parents of children that play these games but I personally think a lot of the younger children playing games like grand theft auto have parents that simply don't care so why would they seek out education?

It's not the games fault if the parents can't teach their children shit, though.


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Harmful Games Empty Re: Harmful Games

Post  Dylan Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:54 am

Sykotik wrote:
It's not the games fault if the parents can't teach their children shit, though.

Exactly, I believe that is the problem. Nobody claims fault, not the parents, not the game developers and not the government.
I think the government could do be doing more.

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Harmful Games Empty Re: Harmful Games

Post  internetimm20004 Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:49 pm

Depending on your own personal lifestyle, then yes, games can be addicting. Parents should note this behaviour in their children though. If their children are acting aggressive or look as though they are spending too much time on a computer then they should slowly ween them off.

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Harmful Games Empty Re: Harmful Games

Post  lonniedivers Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:24 am

Video games are neither “good” nor “bad.” Rather, experts measure video games effects across multiple dimensions.Depending on the factors surround the play of a particular video game, video games can harm self and/or others. In other situations, video games benefit social relations or improve skill level.


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